


Hello! My subscribers. 


Because we all have been suffering from COVID 19, I want to encourage people in my way.


" Let's make & share printable papercrafts. " 


I started this project this year, and I got some positive messages from all different countries.


All people may not like my video, but some said that they would keep watching and enjoy my work. 


So I am keeping doing my own project for those people who always support me.

It's amazing!


In spite of different languages, countries and races, we are sharing same interests.




1. Popsicles Illustrations

↓↓You can download a full version of popsicles illustrations for free below. ↓↓

Popsicles - Coloring.pdf






2. Ice cream illustrations - black ink printer




You can download a full version of ice cream illustrations for free below. ↓

ice cream - black ink.pdf

You can use it as a coloring workbook, too.









3. Ice cream illustrations - Color ink printer




ice cream - Color ink ver.pdf




I made a revised video for those ice cream templates above,

you may want to check how it works and instructions.









If you like my work,

please don't forget to hit the like button, and subscibe my channel below.





Welcome to my channel 'EMONG'. This is a place for paper-craft art. I've planned to upload drawing videos that show you how I make paper dolls. My friend: " You should do something on Youtube " Me: I have nothing to show. My friend: " You can draw ! Me: "O












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